Ryan Michels
3 min readNov 7, 2020


Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Journey to be FIT.

I have always been active, ever since I was a child. Mainly playing outside, riding my bike as much as possible, finding BMX tracks and racing friends. Then came organized sports through junior high and high school. In between I would run on my own to burn energy and stay in shape. I was ripped with 6 pack and all.

While playing high school Lacrosse I dislocated my shoulder which led to 11 other dislocations from other activities such as, Mountain Climbing, Skiing, Swimming, etc.… I ended up going on to have 2 surgeries and was not able to do many of the activities I loved. By now I just turned 20 and was beginning to work at a start up manufacturing company where I would put in 80 to 100 hours a week for several years. This led to a lot of travel including traveling international. By the time I was 25, I've been to 6 of the 7 continents, some of them multiple times. During this time eating out became the norm, I was hardly ever home, if I was it was only for sleep. Needless to say, living this type of life style, I gained a lot weight, about 50lbs. which is a lot for me. Once during my second visit to China, my translator said to me “Oh you very fat now!” which surprised me for some reason as I thought I was somewhat in shape, after all I was continuing to work out when possible (2–3 times a week); between trips or at hotel gyms, if they even had a gym. Back then, many of the hotels would have a multipurpose machine and one treadmill, both out of date and in need of serious maintenance… That’s when it hit me, something had to change! I always enjoyed working out and the feeling it gave me. But looking back were so many mistakes about how I worked out, what I ate and drank. (fast food 2–3 meals a day 6–8 Mountain Dews to keep going…) Trying miracle fat loss pills and following trainers that gave me unrealistic plans or no plan at all and just wanted to be paid to work out with them…

I continued to workout and slowly changed my eating habits, I would give up certain foods for a period time. Sometimes it would stick, other times not so much. Through consistency and persistence I was able to find a way that allowed me to live my best life, enjoy working out and eating foods I love and learned to love. I spent a lot of time reading and learning about different workouts and training methods, diets and meal plans until I found what works best for me. I only wish I knew how to do this from the beginning so I did not waste all my invested time in the gym or on the road/trail running with no recovery plan… I now see people making the same mistakes I did and hope to help them find the right path to lasting results and a lifestyle that they will feel better about them selves. There is an amazing feeling looking in the mirror and seeing a sculpted body and have people mention how good you look and ask for advice! I do this through a normal lifestyle while still traveling a good amount, with two active boys and their sports. I'm not talking about crazy unrealistic workouts, and insane meal plans because the only way it works is if it fits your lifestyle and you can stick with it. I also learned which supplements to take and when, to help maximize results. If your going to invest the time, you might as well do it right!

Through this blog I hope to share what I learned and continue to learn to help expedite your Journey to be FIT.

